KA Blog
Welcome to Klassik Arts Blog. Here you will find many useful and interesting topics which you might find interesting. The world of classical music is vast and is full of interesting facts. The more about music you know, more you will enjoy music. We hope you enjoy our content and hope that you find these blogs helpful.
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Top 5 Reasons Why Recitals Are SO Important
Recitals do more than just entertaining family and friends; they actually stimulate musical development and trigger student motivation. Motivation is especially important during these difficult times when most learning is done virtually and where competitions are no longer an option.
Top 10 Spooky Piano Pieces to Learn for Halloween
Goodbye Summer… Hello Fall! As the temperatures drop and days get shorter, there is something eery in the air… It’s the season of Halloween! Now that the season of jack-0-lanterns and ghosts is here, why not make your Halloween this year musical?
Here are our top 10 piano pieces to jazz up your Halloween festivities! But beware… These pieces may scare you… Play them if you dare.
What are piano keys made of and why?
So, you love to sit and play your piano every day, but have you ever wondered why the keys are black and white, and what exactly they are made of?
Our blog will explain all so you can get back to concentrating on playing what you were born to do.
The Best Instrument: Piano
As the mother of all instruments, pianos surpass all others in the hearts of true music lovers. The rich sounds of the piano bring incomparable pleasure to the player, and to his or her audience. No matter what type of music you love, your favorite songs sound better on the piano. Embrace the instrument made for music lovers.
The Effects Piano Lessons Have on Your Child (Scientifically Proven)
Through this study, researchers were able to conclude that music education can be a very powerful tool in upgrading children's cognitive abilities and increasing academic success, furthermore closing the gaps between children who are categorized as “below average” and “average.” Schools that do not implement musical activities into their curriculum are losing so much potential in bettering their quality of education for their students and are not providing opportunities for better success.