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Parenting Daniel Lee Parenting Daniel Lee

8 Tips on How to Parent Like A Boss PART 2

As parents, we want the best for our children. The best life, the best schools, the best foods, the best family. Although there is no one best way to raise children, studies show that parents who apply certain aspects while raising their child lead to better success in parenthood.

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Music Daniel Lee Music Daniel Lee

Top 5 Reasons Why Recitals Are SO Important

Recitals do more than just entertaining family and friends; they actually stimulate musical development and trigger student motivation. Motivation is especially important during these difficult times when most learning is done virtually and where competitions are no longer an option.

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Parenting Daniel Lee Parenting Daniel Lee

8 Tips on How to Parent Like A Boss PART 1

Parents want to raise their children the best way possible, making sure they do not get into trouble, do well academically, and be successful in the future.

Although there is no perfect way to raise children, studies show that there are several factors that lead up to successful parenthood. While successful parenting requires many different complex aspects, a main theme can be noticed. Some of the main things that parents should be doing is spending time with your child, letting your child make their own decisions, and keeping the family as happy as possible.

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Music Daniel Lee Music Daniel Lee

Piano Parents! There Are Four Times When We DO NOT Want Your Child To Practice

As piano teachers, we spend much of our time inspiring, reminding, asking, and begging parents to help their children practice at home. In fact, it is by far the most common “piano teaching problem” cited by teachers.

But there are times when the opposite should happen. There are times when asking piano parents to make sure practice happens will actually work against our goals. Sound counter-intuitive? Let us explain…

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Coding, Education Daniel Lee Coding, Education Daniel Lee

7 Benefits of Coding for Kids

Coding has become increasingly popular nowadays, especially in the education field. Thanks to this rise in popularity, coding has become a must in most parents’ and teachers’ agendas when teaching their children. Although teaching your child coding will not necessarily result in future Mark Zuckerbergs or guarantee a career in the tech industry, coding provides many different benefits to children of a young age. If you are interested in having your child or children learn coding, make sure to read this blog post before you jump right in.

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